The image bank contains downloadable images of BioGaia’s logos, products, production facility and laboratory and the management team.
The images are available in high-resolution format and are aimed at the media and other stakeholders of our products and our company.
If you have questions or need another picture contact us by email to [email protected].
Please note! All images, logos and all rights attached to them are owned exclusively by BioGaia AB. Materials in the image bank may be used free of charge for editorial purposes and only for non-commercial purposes. The images may not be used for any other purpose without permission from BioGaia. Likewise, it is not permitted to change the design, colors or otherwise distort the images in any way.
Products – photographs
High-resolution photographs of BioGaia products. Click the pictures to download.
BioGaia Protectis tablets

BioGaia Protectis capsules

BioGaia Protectis easydropper

BioGaia Protectis easydropper

BioGaia Protectis tablets

BioGaia Protectis, Gastrus & Prodentis

BioGaia Prodentis

BioGaia Gastrus

BioGaia Protectis tabletter

BioGaia Protectis tablets

BioGaia Protectis tablets

BioGaia Protectis tablets

BioGaia Protectis tablets

BioGaia Protectis drops

BioGaia Protectis drops

Products – packshots
3D rendered packshots with transparent background. The product pictures are created using BioGaia’s master trade dress and standard sizes, packages might look different in certain markets. Click the pictures to download.
BioGaia Protectis easydropper

BioGaia Protectis drops

BioGaia Protectis Junior tablets

BioGaia Protectis Junior vitamin d tablets

BioGaia Protectis vitamin d drops

BioGaia Protectis Minipack

BioGaia Protectis vitamin d tablets

BioGaia Protectis tablets

BioGaia Protectis capsules

BioGaia Prodentis drops

BioGaia Prodentis lozenges

BioGaia Prodentis Mum lozenges

BioGaia Prodentis Kids

BioGaia Protectis vitamin d plus tablets

BioGaia Protectis ORS

BioGaia Osfortis

BioGaia Production
Pictures from the facilities of our subsidiary BioGaia Production in Eslöv. Click the pictures to download.
Production of BioGaia drops

Production of BioGaia drops

Production of BioGaia drops

Production of BioGaia drops

Machine producing BioGaia drops

Warehouse BioGaia Production

Production of product samples

Production facilities outside

Production of Minipack

Production of BioGaia drops

Centre of Excellence
Pictures from BioGaia’s laboratory, Centre of Excellence, in Eslöv. Click the pictures to download.
BioGaia logotyper
Logotypes with transparent background. Click the pictures to download.
Logotype BioGaia Protectis adult

Logotype BioGaia Prodentis

Logotype BioGaia Gastrus

Logotype BioGaia Protectis Junior / Prodentis Kids

Logotype BioGaia Prodentis Mum

Logotype BioGaia Protectis Baby

Logotype BioGaia Osfortis

BioGaia logotype

BioGaia logotype with payoff

BioGaia’s CEO Isabelle Ducellier
Click the pictures to download.