BioGaia Sustainability Report 2021

42 BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 GRI Index GRI Standard Disclosure Page number(s) Comment GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 The organization and its reporting practices 2-1 Organizational details p. 4 The Parent Company BioGaia AB has its head office in Stockholm. BioGaia AB, BioGaia Production AB, MetaboGen AB, BioGaia Invest and BioGaia Pharma AB are located in Sweden. BioGaia Biologics Inc is based in the USA, BioGaia UK in the UK, BioGaia Finland in Finland and BioGaia Japan Inc in Japan. 2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting GRI Index The report covers the whole BioGaia Group but when data has not been available for all subsidiaries it is noted in the text or tables in the report. 2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point GRI Index Annual reporting, the contact point is the Sustainability Manager Jonathan Gromark, [email protected] 2-4 Restatements of information GRI Index No information from the previous year’s report has been restated 2-5 External assurance GRI Index The report was examined by the auditor in accordance with FAR’s auditing standard RevR 12 but not reviewed by a third party. Activities and workers 2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships p. 4, 8–9 BioGaia is a health company that develops, produces and sells probiotic products. BioGaia owns subsidiaries that package BioGaia’s products (BioGaia Production), sell the products (BioGaia Japan, BioGaia Finland, BioGaia UK and BioGaia Inc) as well as conduct research and develop new probiotics and products (MetaboGen, BioGaia Invest and BioGaia Pharma). New in 2021 is that BioGaia has begun direct sales of products in parallel with the existing model via distributors. Read more about this in the 2021 Annual Report. 2-7 Employees p. 31 2-8 Workers who are not employees GRI Index BioGaia was unable to total the quantity of consulting services used in 2021 as FTEs but the hours are considered non-significant relative to employees. Governance 2-9 Governance structure and composition GRI Index The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the company’s sustainability performance. The governance of BioGaia is conducted through the General Meeting of Shareholders via the Board and the CEO. For more information about BioGaia’s governance structure, see the corporate governance report found in BioGaia’s 2021 Annual Report. Information about the Board members’ other positions and commitments is available at – Investors - corporate governance - Board of directors. 2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body GRI Index The Board of Directors is BioGaia’s highest governance body. For more information about BioGaia’s governance structure, see the corporate governance report found in BioGaia’s 2021 Annual Report. 2-11 Chair of the highest governance body GRI Index The Board Chairman is not a senior executive at BioGaia. For more information about BioGaia’s governance structure, see the corporate governance report found in BioGaia’s 2021 Annual Report. 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts GRI Index The Board monitors and follows up the financial performance, forms the vision, establishes strategies and sets targets. The Board’s report on internal control over financial reporting for the financial year 2021 is provided in the corporate governance report, which can be found in BioGaia’s 2021 Annual Report. 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts GRI Index The Board has established instructions for the CEO that, among other things, regulate management and development of the company and the provision of reports and decision data to the Board. Declaration of use: BioGaia has reported in accordance with the GRI standards for the period 1 Jan 2021 to 31 Dec 2021 GRI 1 use: GRI 1: Foundation 2021 Applicable GRI Sector Standard: No applicable sector standard was available on the date for publication of the 2021 report CONTENTS