4 BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 World leader in probiotic products BioGaia is a Swedish world-leading probiotic company that has been at the forefront of microbiome research for more than 30 years. BioGaia develops, markets and sells probiotic products with documented health benefits. The company operates throughout the value chain, partly within the company and partly through global networks of leading, independent researchers and specialists, production experts and local distribution partners. The distribution partners are nutrition and pharmaceutical companies, selling BioGaia’s products in more than 100 countries. BioGaia’s products contain strains of the lactic acid bacterium L. reuteri (Limosilactobacillusreuteri, formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri). L. reuteri is one of few bacteria that has co-evolved with humans and because of this it naturally colonises and has a strong adaptation and interacts with us. To date, results from clinical studies with BioGaia’s probiotic strains have been published in 236 articles in scientific journals, proving it effective and safe in children and adults. BioGaia wants to contribute to better health in the world by developing and offering clinically-proven and user-friendly probiotic products. ABOUT BIOGAIA BioGaia AB Group CEO Vice President Digital Chief Scientific Officer Chief Financial Officer Vice President General Counsel Chief Operating Officer Vice President Marketing & Communications Executive Vice President Business Development Executive Vice President Sales Vice President HR Vision Become the world’s most trusted global probiotics brand. Mission To provide the world with probiotics that have clinically proven positive effects on health and well-being. Positioning Food supplements with clinically-tested, high-quality probiotics that are sold through pharmacies and via online retail platforms. Core Values Innovation / Collaboration / Passion The class B share of the Parent Company BioGaia AB BioGaia’s share is listed on the Mid Cap segment of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm Exchange. BioGaia AB BioGaia Biologics Inc. BioGaia Japan Inc. BioGaia Pharma AB BioGaia Production AB MetaboGen AB BioGaia Finland Oy BioGaia UK Ltd BioGaia Invest AB CONTENTS