BioGaia Sustainability Report 2021

BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 39 Panzi Hospital Through the organisation Friends of Panzi, BioGaia supports Dr Denis Mukwege, who was awarded the Nobel prize in 2018 for his important work at the Panzi Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. During 2021, this support amounted to SEK 100,000. Over the years, the Panzi Hospital has helped more than 50,000 women and child rape victims, both with their physical injuries and with building a new future. Panzi also offers maternity care, family planning and healthcare. For example, the lives of premature babies and undernourished children are saved on a daily basis. Carbon Offset Project Since 2013, BioGaia has bought carbon offsets for a large part of the Group’s climate emissions in the value chain. At the beginning of 2021, BioGaia bought climate offsets for 4,342 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents for all climate emissions that are calculated to have arisen in the value chain in 2019 and 2020 via Burn Manufacturing. In 2022, BioGaia will buy climate offsets for estimated climate emissions in the value chain during 2021 of 1,901 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. On the date of publication of this report, BioGaia has not yet obtained these credits due to delays at the supplier in making the credits available for purchase. BioGaia undertakes to buy climate offsets as soon as the credits are available at Burn Manufacturing, or alternatively choose another supplier that offers equivalent credits from projects that are also certified by Gold Standard. The certification ensures that the carbon credits are real and verifiable and make measurable contributions to sustainable development. For an updated status of the climate projects BioGaia is supporting, see com/hallbarhet/projekt-for-klimatkompensation/ 2021 BioGaia bought climate offsets for 4,342 tonnes of CO2e Foto: Alexis Huguet for Panzi Foundation CONTENTS