BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 37 Employee well-being Objective 2021 Did we do it Outcome 2021 Continue to offer health-promoting activities. Yes Two formalised activities took place, see page 30. Continue with performance reviews focusing on employee well-being. Yes Nothing unforeseen arose in performance reviews that required immediate action.Performance reviews have become a useful forum to identify individual needs and encourage the use of external help when this is deemed useful. Continue to offer employees an annual health examination. Yes A health examination was performed in 2021. Objective 2022 Continue to pursue value and leadership efforts through training and workshops. Continue to work with culture at BioGaia with the aim of ensuring that the eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) is in line with the benchmark. Training and development Objective 2021 Did we do it Outcome 2021 Continue work to conduct and develop leadership training. Ongoing A module for leadership training was carried out in November. Partnerships and content were identified for a continuation of the leadership training. Continue to develop an organisation-wide succession plan. Ongoing The process to develop a succession plan is ongoing. Objective 2022 Leadership training is expected to be completed and conducted in full. Complete the process to develop a succession plan. Integrate the values in all performance reviews and target definitions. Diversity and equal opportunities Objective 2021 Did we do it Outcome 2021 Include equality and diversity components in upcoming leadership training. Partly The design of leadership training is ongoing and does not focus specifically on equality and diversity but indirectly through its focus on value-driven leadership. Further develop processes to ensure equality and diversity are included in the recruitment process. Partly No specific processes were introduced during the year that focus on equality and diversity. This is a dialogue taking place in connection with recruitment and with external recruitment partners. Objective 2022 Complete and roll out the module for equality and diversity in leadership training in accordance with the action plan for discrimination and harassment (see page 33). Safety in production Objective 2021 Did we do it Outcome 2021 Continue reviewing current handling and routines. Ongoing BioGaia AB continued to review ongoing procedures during the year and improvements are implemented on a continuous basis. Launch a website with info / instructions / supporting documents for managers and employees about the working environment. Yes The website was launched during the year. Set up a safety committee with employees and employer representatives. Ongoing On account of the pandemic, BioGaia AB has not completed work to introduce a safety committee but intends to complete this in the years ahead. It is hoped this work will be inspired by existing practices at BioGaia Production and in laboratories. Summary – Healthy workplace A healthy workplace CONTENTS