BioGaia Sustainability Report 2021

BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 33 Materiality and risks An organisation characterised by diversity and inclusion is important for commercial success and provides conditions that attract a talented team. A lack of diversity and gender equality initiatives risks leading to poorer decision-making and results. This could, for example, be due to groupthink, low employee loyalty and motivation, and a discriminatory workplace culture with dissatisfied employees. Diversity and gender equality are therefore high on BioGaia’s agenda. BioGaia has a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and religious beliefs, everyone must be treated with the same respect and dignity. How work is conducted BioGaia’s action plan for diversity and non-discrimination are the basis for the company’s diversity work. In 2020, a new plan for the 2020–2023 period was adopted. In the new plan, BioGaia set the following objectives for the organisation: Equal rights and opportunities in terms of work and development opportunities. As equal a gender distribution as possible. No one shall feel harassed, offended or bullied. No one shall feel discriminated against in the recruitment process or in the appointment of positions. Salary differences due to gender shall not exist Diversity aspects shall always be included as a parameter in assessments and decisions. All employees shall be informed about and be well familiar with BioGaia’s diversity policy so that they can participate in and accept personal responsibility for diversity work. A clear action plan for discrimination and harassment, and the whistleblower function whereby employees can report discrimination incidents anonymously, provides security for BioGaia’s employees (read more under “A healthy business” Diversity and equal opportunities (GRI 3-3) on page 19). To allow more accurate and timely identification of unjustified pay gaps in the organisation, a new tool to carry out payroll mapping was procured. During the year, a new on-boarding programme was launched to welcome new employees and make them comfortable with BioGaia’s workplace culture. During 2021, part of this programme took place physically for two days in August. In parallel with the on-boarding programme, a “buddy programme” was introduced whereby every new employee is allocated a “buddy” whom they meet regularly during the first few months. The response to this programme was highly positive and BioGaia will continue to offer it in the future. In addition to the on-boarding process for new employees, the benefits offered by BioGaia in connection with parental leave were clarified. Progress and priorities going forward In the payroll mapping done in 2020, only small salary differences were identified and a plan is ongoing to adjust these. In 2021, BioGaia was again included on Allbright’s1) green list, as one of 67 green-listed companies from a total of 339 assessed companies. Allbright is an organisation that ranks Swedish listed companies from best to worst in terms of promoting women to management teams. Questions concerning discrimination were asked in a &Frankly survey during the year and the replies showed no clear indication of discrimination. No discrimination incidents2) were reported to BioGaia during 2021. All of the targets set in the action plan for discrimination and harassment until 2023 have been achieved, with the exception of the inclusion of a module for equality and diversity in the leadership training programme (see page 32). The aim is to complete the module in 2022 and to then revise the targets in 2023. BioGaia also aims to increase efforts to communicate the diversity ambitions to external recruitment partners and managers. 1) Allbright Foundation is a Swedish politically independent, non-profit foundation that promotes equality and diversity at the executive business level in Sweden. The foundation continually reviews executive management teams and Boards and actively works to influence decision-makers to increase the proportion of women in senior positions. The most equal companies are listed on Allbright’s green list, the average ones on the yellow list and the male-dominated companies end up on the red list. 2) Grounds for discrimination are gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief system, functional impairment, sexual orientation and age. A healthy workplace CONTENTS