BioGaia Sustainability Report 2021

32 BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 Materiality and risks Employees who feel that they are developing in their career also tend to be motivated and engaged. Opportunities for training and development in the workplace also increase the likelihood of attracting competent and highly-educated personnel. Good development opportunities reduce the risk of inadequate skills among employees, that valuable expertise is lost or that employee turnover is high. BioGaia therefore offers all employees structured performance reviews that provide every employee with an opportunity to use their knowledge and expertise to contribute to the business. How work is conducted BioGaia has a tool for structured performance reviews which is used by managers and employees to ensure the quality of follow-up. Carrying out these reviews is a key component in ensuring that employees perceive that their efforts are recognised, appreciated and valued. The performance review process was updated in 2020 to become more focused and relevant for each role. All managers are invited to a start-up discussion prior to the period for performance reviews. Information is sent to employees and managers to prepare for these reviews. In addition, the bonus plan was updated in 2021 to become more relevant and specific. In 2021, 92%1) (84) of employees had such a review with their immediate manager and the objective is that all BioGaia employees will be offered a performance review every year. Training and development (GRI 3-3) A fundamental pillar of an organisation characterised by progress is inspirational leadership. BioGaia has therefore chosen to pay particular attention to leadership as part of its work with values. A Leadership Development programme was initiated during 2020 that will encompass all members of the management team and anyone with management responsibilities. The leadership training programme that was completed in 2021 is divided into three blocks that focus on value-driven leadership. Progress and priorities going forward In 2022, BioGaia intends to clearly integrate the values into the annual performance reviews and target definitions at individual and departmental levels. During the year, the tool for performance reviews was updated and further refined to include the new values. Similar to most of the work with values (see Employee well-being, page 30), leadership development was again limited by the pandemic in 2021, since BioGaia considers face-to-face meetings a necessity for achieving success- ful cultural change. To move this work forward despite the challenges, in 2021 BioGaia created and carried out digital work environment training for new managers, which was completed by all managers, and developed the leadership programme, which will be rolled out in full in 2022. In conjunction with the launch of digital training in anti- corruption during the year, BioGaia introduced an education portal for employees that can also be used for other types of training in the future. Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews2) (GRI 404-3) 2021 2020 2019 Total Women Men Total Women Men Total BioGaia AB (total)3) 92% (82) 93% (55) 90% (27) 84% (75) 88% (52) 77% (23) 81% Employees with permanent contracts 92% (82) 93% (55) 90% (27) – – – – Employees with temporary contracts – (0) – (0) – (0) – – – – Full-time employees 90% (80) 93% (54) 90% (26) – – – – Part-time employees 100% (2) 100% (1) 100% (1) – – – – A healthy workplace 1) All employees who were employed by BioGaia AB during the period of the performance reviews should have been offered a review. There are individual reasons why all employees did not conduct a performance review during the period. 2) 2021 was the first year we reported performance and career development reviews per employment type. 3) The percentage is based on the number of employees offered an opportunity for a performance review during the period and the number of employees who actually completed their performance review during the period. CONTENTS