BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 23 Tonnes CO2e. emissions by company Scope 1 (GRI 305-1) Scope 2 (GRI 305-2) Scope 3 (GRI 305-3) 2021 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019 BioGaia AB 0.1 0 0 5 2 9 6,5022) 1,605 2,558 BioGaia’s subsidiaries 751) 9 9 0.2 30 57 81 55 52 Total emissions for BioGaia Group 75 9 9 6 32 66 6,584 1,661 2,609 Total after carbon offsetting 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,764 0 0 1) Increase from previous years is a result of updated calculations for company cars and refrigerant leakage. 2) Increase from previous years is mainly a result of updated calculations of distribution. Greenhouse gas emissions (GRI 305-1, GRI 305-2 & GRI 305-3) Tonnes CO2e. emissions by category 2021 2020 2019 SCOPE 1 (GRI 305-1) Company cars 64 – – Refrigerant leakage 12 – – SCOPE 2 (GRI 305-2) Electricity, cold and heat – market based1) 6 36 69 Electricity, cold and heat – location based 59 58 56 SCOPE 3 (GRI 305-3)2) Electricity, cold and heat – market based1) not included in Scope 2 (3) 43 – – Product ingredients (1, 10) 744 637 644 Product packaging3) (1) 731 647 696 Outbound transportation4) 4,764 – – End-of-life treatment of packaging (12) 102 102 108 Transportation of raw materials (4) 74 63 69 Commuting (7) 59 33 143 Business travel (6) 53 170 939 Other (office supplies and office waste as well as emissions from rented properties)5) (1, 5, 8) 15 15 14 Total emissions in BioGaia Group excl. outbound transportation 1,901 1,7026) 2,684 Total climate impact after carbon offsets excl. outbound transportation 0 0 0 Total climate impact after carbon offsets incl. outbound transportation 4,764 – – 1) Includes Scope 2 and 3 emissions from electricity, heating and cooling and from company cars. 2) The type of Scope 3 category is shown in parentheses. 3) Includes emissions from both direct and intermediate packaging used when producing products. 4) New item for 2021, which was found to have a significant impact on BioGaia’s emissions and will be followed up over the next few years. 5) Prior to 2021, the item “Other” included office supplies and cars owned and is therefore not comparable with previous years. 6) Total emissions in 2020 amounted to 1,702 tonnes of CO2e. The sum of 1,703 presented in the table is due to a rounding error. Calculation methods The calculation method was further refined in 2021, primarily through new life-cycle assessments and the inclusion of the distribution of products. This means the figures differ from what has been reported in previous years. Emissions have been calculated using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s guidelines. Average emissions per employee were, before carbon offsets are accounted for, 17.5 tonnes CO2 e/person in 2019, 10.8 in 2020 and 11.6 tonnes CO2 e/person in 2021 with comparable figures. Including new items for 2021, emissions per employee amounted to 40.9 tonnes CO2 e. BioGaia uses 2019 as the base year for following up emissions. The emission factors used normally include the following greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. The emission factors used are presented on page 45. BioGaia applies operational control as the consolidation approach for emissions. A healthy business CONTENTS