BIOGAIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 13 Criteria for probiotics and BioGaia’s assessment of level of compliance (BSD 2) ISAPP’s criteria Strain or strain combination Backed by science All BioGaia’s products are well documented in a total of more than 200 published clinical studies in all age groups, of which over 30 are safety studies1). Provides an effective dose BioGaia always uses the same quantity of bacteria per dose in products as has been used in clinical studies. Provides the benefit I’m seeking BioGaia’s probiotic strains have been studied for several different conditions, such as colic, functional abdominal pain, constipation, side effects of antibiotics, diarrhoea and to prevent infection. It’s safe for me All BioGaia’s strains have Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) status. For more information, see EFSA2) Safety for BioGaia’s strains has been the subject of more than 30 studies. Names of the microbes BioGaia always states the genus, species and strain on the package, in scientific contexts and in market communication. CFU BioGaia guarantees the quantity of live organisms (CFU content3)) per dose at the expiration date for all products. Suggested dose or serving size BioGaia always states the suggested dose on the package. Proper storage conditions BioGaia always specifies how the product should be stored. Company contact information Contact information is always on the package. 1) A safety study is a clinical study that evaluates the potential risks of consuming a product. 2) EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, is an agency with the primary purpose of advising legislators in the European Union on matters relating to food safety. 3) CFU = Colony Forming Units. Healthy products CONTENTS