Peter Rothschild
Born in 1950. Board Chairman. Elected to the Board in 2018. MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics. Founder and principal shareholder of BioGaia. President 1996–2016 and Group President 2016–2018. Chairman of the subsidiaries BioGaia Pharma AB, MetaboGen AB and the Foundation to prevent antibiotic resistance. Also Chairman of the Board of Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (IBT) and with board assignments in Glycom AB, Looft Industries AB and Allbright. Holds 3,703,340 class A shares and 500,000 class B shares via Annwall & Rothschild Investments AB (a company owned jointly with co-founder Jan Annwall).

David Dangoor
Born in 1949. Board Vice Chairman. Elected to the Board in 2003. BioGaia Board Chairman 2007–2018. MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics. Marketing and PR consultant. President of Innoventive Partners LLC. Former Executive Vice President and Marketing Director at Philip Morris USA and Philip Morris International. Other board assignments: The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, New York City Ballet Inc., School of Creative Leadership, Berlin University and Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce (chairman 1997–2001). Holds 1,750,000 class B shares.
Barbro Fridén
Born in 1956. Elected to the Board in 2023. Trained physician at Umeå University and a specialist pediatrician. Barbro has also conducted research at the University of Gothenburg, where she obtained her doctorate in 1999 in obstetrics & gynecology. Has held several different senior positions within the health care sector, among them as healthcare director at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg. Also board member of Getinge, Apoteket and Sophiahemmet. Holds 0 shares.
Outi Armstrong
Born in 1967. Elected to the Board in 2023. Holds a master’s degree in Agriculture Economics at the University of Helsinki, MBA from the University of Arkansas and has also studied psychology at Yale University. Outi has worked with global marketing in senior positions within areas such as life science, nutrition & health, food and agriculture within companies such as P&G, SGS and DSM in Switzerland. Outi is currently Vice President Strategic Marketing & Development at Medicel, a company of Halma Plc. Holds 0 shares.
Anthon Jahreskog
Born in 1980. Elected to the Board in 2015. MSc Financial Management. Former Chief Operating Officer Fund Linked Products at Credit Suisse Investment Bank, London. Other board assignments: Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (IBT). Holds 1,700 shares.
Bénédicte Flambard
Born in 1973. Elected to the Board in 2022. Has a Master of Administration from the University of Bath, a PhD from the National Institute of Agronomic in France and a Master in Corporate Entrepreneurial Leadership from the Technology Economics & Management in Denmark. She has held several senior positions in the health and agriculture industries and worked in senior positions with pharmaceuticals, health products and consumer goods, among others. Since 2019, Bénédicte Flambard is Global Head of Plant Health Business at FMC Corp. and stationed in Denmark. Other board assignments: Noscomed and Anizome. Holds 0 shares.
Vanessa Rothschild
Born in 1986. Elected to the Board in 2020. Bachelor’s degree in International Economics and Management from University L. Bocconi in Milan and has also studied business and market strategy and decision psychology at the business school HEC in Paris. Previously working as Regional Sales Manager at BioGaia and has also worked as COO at Iero. Has worked at H&M since 2016 in various positions within sustainability and currently as Group Manager for Global Sustainability, Steering and Development. Holds 160 class B shares.
Vesa Koskinen
Born in 1979. Elected to the Board in 2023. Holds a master’s degree in economics from the Helsinki School of Economics. Partner and member of EQT’s global healthcare team. Board member of BHG Group, Vitrolife, Kfzteile24 and Desotec. Previous assignments include Board member of Elevate, Igenomix, Musti Group, Karo Pharma, Terveystalo, Vertu, Roeser Group, Swiss Smile, VTI Technologies and Lundhags. Holds 0 shares.